Regional Historical Museum Vratsa

Regional Historical Museum Vratsa

How to get there: Hristo Botev Square

The Regional History Museum - Vratsa stores over 120,000 movable cultural assets from all historical eras. In the exhibition halls, visitors from the country and abroad can get acquainted with world-class artifacts such as: the unique clay altar with deer antlers and the early Neolithic burials "in situ" from the village of Ohoden - the earliest agricultural civilization in Europe (6th millennium BC. BC), the earliest proto-literacy in the world, the Thracian treasure (165 silver and silver vessels with gilding) from the village of Rogozen (VI-IV centuries BC), the gold Thracian treasure from the Mogilan mound - Vratsa (IV century BC), the silver Thracian treasure from the village of Bukiovtsi (IV century BC), the Cherepish Gospel and a silver-gold church vessel from the 16th-17th centuries, etc.

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