Saint Nicholas Church, Tsarevets village, Mezdra municipality

Saint Nicholas Church, Tsarevets village, Mezdra municipality

Location: in the center of Tsarevets village, Mezdra municipality

The Church "Saint Nicholas" was built in the XIII-XIV centuries. It is one of the few completely preserved buildings built during this period. The interior impresses with its brick iconostasis covered with picturesque decoration. It is little known that the carved iconostases, which are currently an integral part of an Orthodox church, appeared relatively late, only in Turkish times. Until then, brick iconostases were widespread. The only one preserved to this day is precisely in the church "Saint Nicholas". Just above the entrance to the church, you can see the so-called "building stone", on which is written the year in which the temple was further strengthened or completed. The last time this happened was in 1747. The place is also unique with the preservation of a large number of artfully crafted tombstones from the same time, some of which are true masterpieces of stone sculpture. In 1972, the Temple of God was declared a national cultural monument.

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