Portile de Fier Natural Park is a protected area established by Law no. 5/2000 regarding the approval of the National Land Development Plan – Section III a - Protected Zones, as a territory where the remarkable beauty of the landscapes and the biological diversity can be capitalized under the conditions of the unaltered preservation of traditions, the improvement of the quality of life of the communities being the result. economic activities of the inhabitants, carried out in harmony with nature.
On the territory of the Portile de Fier Natural Park, 3 Natura2000 sites have been declared: ROSCI0206 Portile de Fier, ROSPA0026 The Course of the Danube Baziaş-Portile de Fier and ROSPA0080 The Almajului-Locvei Mountains. These protected natural areas of community interest were declared on the basis of European legislation, namely Directive 92/43/CCE on the conservation of natural habitats, wild fauna and flora, respectively Directive 79/409/CCE on the conservation of wild birds.
In January 2011, the Portile de Fier Natural Park was designated a RAMSAR site, which means that it has the status of a protected natural area of international interest, thus recognizing the inestimable value of the biodiversity, the landscape, and the local communities in the park.